• Mumbles Duathlon
    22/03/2025     £64.95

    Mumbles Duathlon 2025 Open

    All Entries are now open for 2025!

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  • Wales Triathlon
    15/06/2025     £69.95

    Wales Triathlon 2025

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  • The Wales Swim Run
    26/07/2025     £105

    Wales Swimrun Now Open

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  • UWTSD Swansea Triathlon
    25/05/2025     £79

    Swansea Triathlon

    A fast city centre triathlon with massive crowds.

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Mumbles Triathlon
10/05/2025     FROM £69.95

The Mumbles Tri is an early-season event with three distances on offer. An amazing sprint tri and an early season middle distance tri and NEW 2025 an Olympic Distance. A great event for Club Champs!!

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Latest Content
Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Top Tip - Start with a sprint tri early in the season. Swansea is a good one to get your confidence up as the swim is in SA1 Dock which is a great environment as you don’t have to battle the seas tide and currents.

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‘Plan some regular swim sets’

‘Plan some regular swim sets’

It’s important to keep your threshold swimming going over during the ‘off’ season. Below you find two swim sessions which will help you going into the winter months. Try these twice a week and record your times. You can adjust the rest times and distances according to your ability. Feel free to reach out to the coaches at Heathwood swimming in Cardiff for extra help or any questions you may have regarding swim sets or drills.

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‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’

‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’

For most of us the open water swimming season is coming to an end or is basically over. In October the UK water temperature in the sea, lakes & reservoirs are dropping rapidly and where you were able to swim in 17 to 20 degrees its now more like 12 or 13oc.

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Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Top Tip - Start with a sprint tri early in the season. Swansea is a good one to get your confidence up as the swim is in SA1 Dock which is a great environment as you don’t have to battle the seas tide and currents.

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‘Plan some regular swim sets’

‘Plan some regular swim sets’

It’s important to keep your threshold swimming going over during the ‘off’ season. Below you find two swim sessions which will help you going into the winter months. Try these twice a week and record your times. You can adjust the rest times and distances according to your ability. Feel free to reach out to the coaches at Heathwood swimming in Cardiff for extra help or any questions you may have regarding swim sets or drills.

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‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’

‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’

For most of us the open water swimming season is coming to an end or is basically over. In October the UK water temperature in the sea, lakes & reservoirs are dropping rapidly and where you were able to swim in 17 to 20 degrees its now more like 12 or 13oc.

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Happy Pancake Day!

Happy Pancake Day!

Take your protein pancakes to the next level!

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Triathlon Nutrition for Beginners

Triathlon Nutrition for Beginners

If you are new to triathlon, nutrition can be a confusing area!

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Sports Nutrition for a 70.3 Distance Triathlon

Sports Nutrition for a 70.3 Distance Triathlon

A 70.3 is a fantastic event to test your endurance as an athlete. You train your body, mind and muscles but have you considered your nutrition?

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Mikes Bikes Hint and Tips

Mikes Bikes Hint and Tips

Many athletes find the bike can often be the most misunderstood part of an event.

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How does riding a TT Bike differ from a road bike?

How does riding a TT Bike differ from a road bike?

When it comes to triathlon, a bike is, well, a necessity. How are you supposed to know which bike is best suited for you?

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Tips for a stress-free race day with Pedal Cover

Tips for a stress-free race day with Pedal Cover

Reduce your pre-event stress

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The Wales Swim Race Profile

The Wales Swim Race Profile

Everything you need to know about The Wales Swim

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Fishguard Sprint Triathlon Race Profile

Fishguard Sprint Triathlon Race Profile

Everything you need to know about Fishguard Sprint Triathlon

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Wanting to get into triathlon but unsure where to start?

Wanting to get into triathlon but unsure where to start?

Calling all first timers!

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First Timer Guide - Swim

First Timer Guide - Swim

If you are learning to swim, check out our handy guide.

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First Timer Guide - Cycle

First Timer Guide - Cycle

Here is a little guide to help you with first time cycling.

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GCS Mumbles Duathlon 2019

GCS Mumbles Duathlon 2019

Here are the highlights from the 2019 GCS Mumbles Duathlon

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UWTSD  Swansea Triathlon 2019

UWTSD Swansea Triathlon 2019

Here are some highlights from the UWTSD Swansea Triathlon 2019.

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The Wales Triathlon 2019

The Wales Triathlon 2019

Event video for The Wales Triathlon 2019

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